From: Charlie Smoote
Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2011
To: TAC Missileers
Subject: Excalibur
I was rummaging through my stash and found some pictures of Excalibur and crew.
Excalibur (King Arthur’s Sword) was a TM 76B that was launched (circa 1962) by an Instructor Crew from the Tactical missile School at Orlando. Captain Arthur was our launch Officer, noted for his insistence of wearing hard hats, and the phrase ” Press On’.
It was noted that Captain ‘Press On’ Arthur’s hard hat was launched as cargo on this missile.
I don’t remember the exact dates, but we came from Orlando and stayed at Camp Happiness during missile countdown.
I have pictures of (1) The Launch Crew, (2) Instructor Personnel from Orlando and (3) Excalibur as it cleared the door for a very successful flight; I may add.
Charlie Smoote
Mech 2 Excalibur Launch Crew
On Thu, Sep 29, 2011, Russ Reston – TAC Missileers wrote:
Charlie, yes. If you send me copies of the photos. I will post them on the website. You can either email them to me electronically, or send hardcopy.
Was “Press On” Arthur’s hard hat recovered or did he have to get a new one?
From: Charlie Smoote
Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2011
To: Russ Reston – TAC Missileers
Subject: Re: Excalibur
Captain Arthur’s hard hat went into the Grand Bahamas securely ensconced in the Warhead Section of Excalibur.
Capt. ‘Press On Arthur’ purchased a replacement hard hat. Lt. Col Bowers W. Espy*, (Honcho of the Instructor Bunch) made sure of that. I don’t think that the Good Captain really minded.
* LT Col Bowers W. Espy’s claim to fame was breaking the Sound Barrier in a P-38 Aircraft. He still showed the effects of it.
From: Charlie Smoote
Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2011
To: Russ Reston – TAC Missileers
Subject: Re: Excalibur
Here you go; Excalibur and Crew in all of it’s glory.
The ones(kneeling) Capt Gerald ‘Press On’ Arthur (LO), TSGT Dudley Womack,(CC) A1C’ Whitey’ Williams,(Mech 3) SSGT McConomy(cs) (Mech 4)
Top Row: SSGT Frank Gilbert(who painted the logo), (Mech 1) SSGT Charlie Smoote (Mech 2), SSGT Turner (Mech 6) and A1c Hansen (Mech 5.
The only two that I can identify from the group picture is TSGT Huber, SSGT Mcconomy(cs and SSGT Turner on the front row.I think one of th epeople on the back row are myself and a A1C Counts. Maybe someone will remember and post. The rest will eventually come back some day.
These pictures were taken by a professional Air Force Photographer. After all, Orlando was the Headquarters for the Air Photo and Charting Service and always had students available for OJT. Enjoy’
I also have a picture of Launch Crew 38(SMELE) Crew from Okinawa (circa 1963) somewhere.
Charlie Smoote
(Click on images to enlarge.)