At the TAC Missileers business meeting in San Antonio on May 17th, the organization voted to make a donation to the Indiana Military Museum to support upkeep of the Mace Missile (“Miss L”) on display at the museum. The donation is scheduled to be presented to the museum on August 10th. All TAC Missileers are invited to attend the presentation.

August 1, 2023
Members of the TAC Missileers are planning on meeting at the Indiana Military Museum, Vincennes, IN on Thursday, August 10, 2023, to present the check from the TAC Missileers to Jim Osborne, Curator of the museum. If any members are available and are able to attend this presentation, please meet at the museum at 10:00am on the 10th. We would like to have as many members possible to attend. There will be tours of the Museum also, which in itself is amazing. Come join us if you can. Any questions, contact Jerry Brenner (cell 812-453-2738 or or Max butler (cell 812-307-0187 or
Jerry Brenner and Max Butler