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1317 entries.
Hi fellows,
just working on plans for a scale model of MATADOR transport('resupply') and transporter/erector/launcher trailers in 1:32 scale.
Unfortunately I can not find any good/correct drawings nor correct nomenclatura (like M-### in the ARMY...) of these trailers and all other support vehicles. Does anyone know where I can find TM (or copies/downloads...) to the MATADOR-related vehicles !
THANKS for ANY information and help !!!!!
just working on plans for a scale model of MATADOR transport('resupply') and transporter/erector/launcher trailers in 1:32 scale.
Unfortunately I can not find any good/correct drawings nor correct nomenclatura (like M-### in the ARMY...) of these trailers and all other support vehicles. Does anyone know where I can find TM (or copies/downloads...) to the MATADOR-related vehicles !
THANKS for ANY information and help !!!!!
Sorry to see our 2022 reunion has been canceled due to low attendance. We all knew that this would eventually happen. Father Time doesn’t wait on anyone. Regardless, myself and Frank Martinez will still celebrate in Nashville. Our flight and hotel reservations are completed. Never pass up a party. If you feel the same way we can make this a “mini reunion.” Plenty of local tours are available to keep us busy. Many thanks to Max. See you in Nashville.
Looking for launch crew members at Hahn Site IV Blockhouse 1. 1964-1966
Bruce Johnson:
Are you the Johnny Johnson that served with me at Hangar C in 63 ??
Are you the Johnny Johnson that served with me at Hangar C in 63 ??
Hi Jim Martindale. This is Les Evans.
I remember you from the 498 TMG at Kadena AB, Okinawa.
I worked at the bottom of the hill in the maintenance complex. I did the airframe and engine periodic inspections and maintenance, engine test runs, etc.
I was there from September 1965 to June 1968.
I was an E-4 Sergeant when I left Okinawa.
I finished my first enlistment, and re-enlisted there.
I was transferred to the Minuteman Missile System, and remained there until I finished my 20-year career in the Air Force.
I retired in 1984 at the rank of Master Sergeant.
Retired while stationed at Vandenberg AFB, CA.
I worked on Vandenberg for a another 22 years for several civilian companies.
I live in Lompoc, near Vandenberg.
I remember you from the 498 TMG at Kadena AB, Okinawa.
I worked at the bottom of the hill in the maintenance complex. I did the airframe and engine periodic inspections and maintenance, engine test runs, etc.
I was there from September 1965 to June 1968.
I was an E-4 Sergeant when I left Okinawa.
I finished my first enlistment, and re-enlisted there.
I was transferred to the Minuteman Missile System, and remained there until I finished my 20-year career in the Air Force.
I retired in 1984 at the rank of Master Sergeant.
Retired while stationed at Vandenberg AFB, CA.
I worked on Vandenberg for a another 22 years for several civilian companies.
I live in Lompoc, near Vandenberg.
Has anyone in the association worked the MACE A Bird at Hahn and stood alert at the site that was located at the Idarkoff? There is a tower located there now, but from the tower you could also see the remains of the concrete pads that were used to park the missile and other equipment on. When I was with the 50th TFW, my wife and I used to go for walks in the Hunsruck area and went to that missile site many times. At the time we lived in Hirschfeld.
Served Okinawa 498 training wing maintenance division from June 1966 till January 1968 have fun there lot of work worked on the maze missile corrosion control missile run up and maintenance so some of my high school buddies there can't find them today but still think of them look for my roommate found him but unfortunately he doesn't answer his phone and I do know he still alive very upsetting I thought we were good friends
Arrived Hahn Oct 1959. Returned home to be station Andrews Oct 1961. Getting old so is my memory. Worked on MM 1 on site.
Dave Rush, Totten, Messer, Runnels and Parsons.
Dave Rush, Totten, Messer, Runnels and Parsons.
I was at Orlando 12/59 to 8/61 as a special vehicle mechanic and worked on the MM1's. If anyone is interested the FWD museum in Clintonville WI has a running MM1 at there museum, where I was able to visit an old friend from my USAF days. Also if you have looked over this site you know we at the Indiana Military in Vincennes have a Mace B bird here.
Here is a link to my completed build of the old Revell/Renwal Mace missile and Teracruzer. I can't express how much the photos and tech manual on this website helped in my attempt to build an accurate model of a TM-76A, MM-1, and translauncher at Orlando AFB. My late father, MSgt (then TSgt) Charles Henning, trained at Lowry and Orlando before going to Sembach with the 38th. He was in QC from mid 64 to Dec. 65.
Click here...
Click here...
Joe Dubner - I was at Hahn and on a launch crew when you were there, but I can't picture you (getting old, haha). We probably were at Orlando at the same time too. Maybe see you at the upcoming reunion? My launch crew included SSGT Jones and Joe Eddins, but I can't remember the launch officer we were with. In case your memory is better than mine, my email is ( if you care to drop me a line.
Hello from the former Mace launch crewmember A1C Joe Dubner (long retired). I was at Hahn from 1965 until deactivation of the 38 TMW a couple years later.
My lieutenant (Robert A. Barton) passed away this year. I have not been in contact with anyone else in all this time but would welcome contact with others (
My lieutenant (Robert A. Barton) passed away this year. I have not been in contact with anyone else in all this time but would welcome contact with others (
I was among the first arrival of Air Force non-commissioned enlisted personnel in February 1951 to be assigned with the Matador B-61 project at Patrick AFB (formerly Banana River Naval Airbase). I also was briefly with the Glenn L. Martin Co. Testing Group at White Sands, New Mexico and during their transfer move to Patrick AFB/Cape Canaveral Missile Test Center. I became an instructor to train ground crew launch personnel for the 1st Pilotless Bomber Squadron. Served at Patrick AFB until January 1953 to volunteer for service in Korea with the 319th F-94 Fighter Interceptor Squadron. I finally was discharged in December 1954.
I just bought the book "US AF Tactical Missiles 49-69.
My AFSC was 33150B and received weapons training at Lowry AFB in 1958. Then I was asigned to the 4504 Tac Missile Training Squadorn at Orlando AFB -- Sep 1958 - May 1959. Then as a complete squadron, shipped out to Osan Air Base as the 310 TMS. I was on Launch Team 4 known as the "Turtle Team."
After Korea, I was assigned to the 1090 Special Reporting Wing at Sandia Base.
After my Honorable Discharge, I earned an AA in Engineering Science at Nassau Community College and a BA in Physical Science, a Standard Life K - 9 Teaching Credential, and a Masters in Education Technology at San Francisco State University.
I have worked as an 8th grade Science teacher for 24 years, provided technical support to internal users of H-P computers at a variety of companies including H-P. Also, I have earned a 100 Ton US Coast Guard License and have worked as a sailing instructor and the captain of a crewed charter boat in the Caribbean.
I am now retired
My AFSC was 33150B and received weapons training at Lowry AFB in 1958. Then I was asigned to the 4504 Tac Missile Training Squadorn at Orlando AFB -- Sep 1958 - May 1959. Then as a complete squadron, shipped out to Osan Air Base as the 310 TMS. I was on Launch Team 4 known as the "Turtle Team."
After Korea, I was assigned to the 1090 Special Reporting Wing at Sandia Base.
After my Honorable Discharge, I earned an AA in Engineering Science at Nassau Community College and a BA in Physical Science, a Standard Life K - 9 Teaching Credential, and a Masters in Education Technology at San Francisco State University.
I have worked as an 8th grade Science teacher for 24 years, provided technical support to internal users of H-P computers at a variety of companies including H-P. Also, I have earned a 100 Ton US Coast Guard License and have worked as a sailing instructor and the captain of a crewed charter boat in the Caribbean.
I am now retired
Jacque Hansen, wife of Arnie Hansen, informed me today that Arnie had passed away on 10 August 2021. Arnie was a member of the 887th TMS. He was a good friend to all and will be missed.
Responding to David Henning May 31, 2021 request, I have pictures of the model that I assembled and this model is exactly as the one we took to the Paris LeBouget Air Show in 1959-1960
I dont know how to display these pictures for your observing but I make them available to anyone
I dont know how to display these pictures for your observing but I make them available to anyone
Wondering if any Sembach AFB Mace Missile TM76A crew members remember a SSGT Gronkowski, Missile Mechanic AFSC, during 1958-1960? Came across his picture recently and trying to locate him.
My father, Charles Henning, was at Sembach from 63-Dec, 65 in 38th MIMS, QC Section. He is now 92 years old and resides in Jacksonville, AR after his retirement from the 308th SMW at Little Rock AFB. I am currently working on the old Revell Teracruzer and Mace missile kit for a gift for dad and am wondering if any members might have a tech manual for the Teracruzer showing more details of the steering system and other portions of the underside of the cab. Have found good information on the site, but needing a little more for my model.
I must be an old man of the 17th TMS as I separated in Dec '57 to become a Flight Test Engineer for McDonnell/Douglas Aircraft. Since, I have only caught up with 2 of our Missileers and that was years ago. I read Geo & Bob's book to find little on the 17th but noticed the X10 Navaho mentioned where I also was an engineer before catching up with the 17th.
I am surprised to see that the 17th did deploy to Taiwan, if so I would have been on orders to go. In early 1957, we did send a Matador and MSQ with a team to show and tell for the Pacific Fleet but that was it. I was on orders to go but that was scrubbed as it interfered with my wedding. Later I was on orders for Hokkaido Japan which was scrubbed by the Japanese. then there were orders for Korea which did happen after I left.
My memory is foggy but I can confirm that we made a launch every 2 weeks in '57 from the Cape but it amazes me now that we could pass over GBI before dumping the missile without interference. One actually landed on the Eastern part of the island.
It will be nice to catch up with some of the Team should they live around Orlando.
I am surprised to see that the 17th did deploy to Taiwan, if so I would have been on orders to go. In early 1957, we did send a Matador and MSQ with a team to show and tell for the Pacific Fleet but that was it. I was on orders to go but that was scrubbed as it interfered with my wedding. Later I was on orders for Hokkaido Japan which was scrubbed by the Japanese. then there were orders for Korea which did happen after I left.
My memory is foggy but I can confirm that we made a launch every 2 weeks in '57 from the Cape but it amazes me now that we could pass over GBI before dumping the missile without interference. One actually landed on the Eastern part of the island.
It will be nice to catch up with some of the Team should they live around Orlando.
Noticed that most entries here are from the earlier guys, and not many from Taiwan, so thought I'd add a little bit of info for anyone who may wonder what eventually happened to the TM-61C birds and crews there.
I was a Flight Controls guy on Launch 'D' of the 868th TMS, stationed at Tainan AFS from mid '61 through early/mid '62.
We were the last crews to be sent there, and eventually participated in deactivating the unit, preparing the birds for scrap by destroying the bulkhead connections with axes (so they couldn't be re-assembled by the Chinese), shipping the warheads back to the US, and closing it all down. (The story at the time was that the U.S. had offered the birds to the Nationalist Chinese, but they would only take them if we included the nuclear warheads, which of course was not gonna happen).
We all worked hard to perfect our launch routines, and got really good at it before the end. Launch 'D' eventually got to where we could do a 15-minute Quick Count in six and a half minutes.
We enjoyed our time there.
I was a Flight Controls guy on Launch 'D' of the 868th TMS, stationed at Tainan AFS from mid '61 through early/mid '62.
We were the last crews to be sent there, and eventually participated in deactivating the unit, preparing the birds for scrap by destroying the bulkhead connections with axes (so they couldn't be re-assembled by the Chinese), shipping the warheads back to the US, and closing it all down. (The story at the time was that the U.S. had offered the birds to the Nationalist Chinese, but they would only take them if we included the nuclear warheads, which of course was not gonna happen).
We all worked hard to perfect our launch routines, and got really good at it before the end. Launch 'D' eventually got to where we could do a 15-minute Quick Count in six and a half minutes.
We enjoyed our time there.
Just wanted to remind one and all that........I wrote the original "the missile knows where it is at all times", in 1961, while a guidance instructor at Lowry on the A-bird. Here is the ORIGINAL.
The missile knows where it is at all times. It knows this because it knows where it isn't !
By subtracting where it is from where it isn't, or where it isn't from where it is (whichever is greater), it obtains a difference or deviation.
The guidance system uses deviations to generate corrective commands to drive the missile from a position where it wasn't to where it now is. Consequently, the position where it was is now the position where it isn't.
In the event that the position where it is now is not the position where it wasn't, the system has acquired a variation (variations are caused by external factors, and the discussions of these factors are not considered to be within the scope of this report). The variation being the difference between where the missile is and where the missile wasn't. If variations are considered to be a significant factor, it, too, may be corrected for by the use of another system. However, for this to take place, the missile must now where it was, also.
The "thought process" of the missile is as follows: because a variation has modified some of the information which the missile has obtained, it is not sure where it is. However, it is sure where it isn't ! (within reason) and it knows DAMN sure where it was and also where it wasn't. It now subtracts where it should be from where it wasn't (or vice versa) and by differentiating this with the algebraic difference between where it shouldn't be and where it was, it is able to obtain the difference between its deviations and its variations....which is called the ERROR SIGNAL.
The missile knows where it is at all times. It knows this because it knows where it isn't !
By subtracting where it is from where it isn't, or where it isn't from where it is (whichever is greater), it obtains a difference or deviation.
The guidance system uses deviations to generate corrective commands to drive the missile from a position where it wasn't to where it now is. Consequently, the position where it was is now the position where it isn't.
In the event that the position where it is now is not the position where it wasn't, the system has acquired a variation (variations are caused by external factors, and the discussions of these factors are not considered to be within the scope of this report). The variation being the difference between where the missile is and where the missile wasn't. If variations are considered to be a significant factor, it, too, may be corrected for by the use of another system. However, for this to take place, the missile must now where it was, also.
The "thought process" of the missile is as follows: because a variation has modified some of the information which the missile has obtained, it is not sure where it is. However, it is sure where it isn't ! (within reason) and it knows DAMN sure where it was and also where it wasn't. It now subtracts where it should be from where it wasn't (or vice versa) and by differentiating this with the algebraic difference between where it shouldn't be and where it was, it is able to obtain the difference between its deviations and its variations....which is called the ERROR SIGNAL.
Nelson Nunez, 84, died January 9, 2021. Nelson joined the 11th TMS at Orlando AFB, Florida in 1955. Lived in Groveland Florida. Obituary appears in the Florida Today Newspaper.
Way to go Henry Tracy
Gordon Fisk
Tainan. 58-59
Gordon Fisk
Tainan. 58-59
Pat Schroeder has informed us that her husband, Marv Schroeder (Hahn 63-66) passed away the 12th of November. Marv, a great friend, attended our Denver reunion sharing recollections from his days at Hahn !
Roger (Moose), were you on Site IV as a launch crew member between 1965 and 1966? I was there and was teamed up with Joe Eddins as launch crew techs. Your name is familiar.