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1312 entries.
You are doing a great job. Keep up the good work. I was stationed at Hahn from 1964 to 1966. Worked at Site IV as a flight control mech. Hope to see all of you in Dallas.
Served with Capt. Carl Harms, Crew chief: SSgt Melvin Provoncher, Mech #1: A/1c Bob Arnold. Arrived Sembach during Pres. Kennedy's 'Stop the Gold Flow' which boiled out to not bringing dependents. Also crewed with Crew Chief SSgt Tobin, and Lt. Gallegan. (The Lt. was one of 22 new Lt.s we got in one slug.) My tour was 1962 through 65. I drove T. Trailer part time from the PX Depot in Grunstat, down the hill from Site 3. We flew into R.M.on a C-118 from McGuire. When we got to the barracks next to the N.C.O. Club, we had to carry bunks and lockers up to the 3rd floor to set them up. Bad 1st impression, but all good there after! After that we went to the 'Golden Anchor' in down town Sembach for beer and pizza. Off base, after paying for the family to fly over, we rented an apt. over the Grinerhof Gasthaus in Mehligan. That was an experience! After training counts at Site 1 (Einkenbach) our crew and our sister crew would come back to my apt. and sample beer and schintzels.(spelling?) The good life!
Guidance Instructor at Lowery. Launch team and NCIOC Cal Shop @ Orlando. Wing Quality @ Sembach, Germany, Orlando TEMS 76A, TEMS 76B. Kadena, TEMS & Deficiency Analysis,76B.
Great site - keep up the good work.
Hi Joe: I like the looks of the site and I think your doing a great Job. I was with Wing traing site at 'a' Flt Sembach from 1961 thru 1964 and help Design and build the first training site! I'm looking forward to the next reunion . Johnny I'm looking forward to the next reunion. !
887th in Gruenstadt (WHAT A PLACE!!!!) from Jan 63 thru Jul 65. Like to hear from anyone before, during or after that period. Best military assignment ever; right Ski?
I'd like to hear from any of the guys from the 887thTMS or support groups stationed at Gruenstadt.
Joe. Looking real good. I like what has been done sofar. Bill
Improved but it just may be the time of year as is slow. Don't get me wrong as I don't have the knowledge to try and start a web page. Some info on a few of the history would be great. Keep up the work. Thank you for your effort's. George
Nice site, Joe. Sure would like to see more of the Matador people come here too!
Sembach 'C' site (Gruenstadt) 1961 through 1962. Flight Controls Mech. Went by the nick-name 'Koney' Looking for fellow crew members Beryl 'BR' Ristine and George 'GID' Larson.
Sembach, Ger. 1959-1961 MMT assembly/checkout crew