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1312 entries.
Donald Rhodd wrote on August 4, 2000 at 2:57 am
I was sent to Sembach in 1957. Relocated to Hahn after only 3/4 Months at Sembach. Was in Africa for 1958 shots. Anybody remember the bird that would not come down??? Was also TDY to Bitburg. Spent most of the time at Hahn with 586 C. & G. Sq. Det. #2 (Idarkoph). Was also north of Hahn back in the woods. After Det. #2 closed was sent back to Hahn and assigned to 586th Group and worked offbase in the underground building next to offbase NCO club. Really enjoyed all of my time in Germany. Any other Crypto Operators out there ?? Donald Rhodd
Bruce Hynds wrote on August 2, 2000 at 7:18 am
I was an Instructor in orlando. 1957-60
Alfred J .Chapkovich wrote on July 27, 2000 at 4:48 pm
J. D. Lewis wrote on July 18, 2000 at 2:42 pm
I was in the last clas to graduate from Orlando. I went to Korea where we deactivated the unit.
Fred Paine wrote on July 15, 2000 at 7:32 pm
My missileer time was spent at Hahn from Mar 60 thru Jul 63 mostly at site V. I have very fond memories of our generator room and the number of times those generators gave us all trouble. I recognized many of the names on the list and would like very much to see you all again. I'm planning to attend the Orlando reunion so put me on the list for two people. My e-mail address is: Thanks Joe and Gary for all your work in this undertaking.
Jack L. Oliver wrote on July 10, 2000 at 10:59 pm
Lots of guys I would like to see. Come to the reunion and lets get together.
Carl R. Orpurt wrote on July 10, 2000 at 8:05 pm
Worked launch and maintenance in both long and RFML. Last assigned to Site V Hahn, closed out in Sept 66.
Bill Holliday wrote on July 4, 2000 at 1:35 am
I was at Bitburg from 58 to m61 71TMS was in C flight launch was first crews at steinborn A flight was in Libya when thf missle burned We were awarded the first missle badges in Libya
Wim Vink wrote on July 1, 2000 at 10:41 am
Hi, GREAT SITE!! I'll be back 🙂 I really LOVE the Mace Missile and Teracruzer. Soon I will built a 1:32 model, based on the old Renwal (1958) kit. I have some information/documentation about this interesting weapon system. For your information. I have a big US Army Modeling Site with the name MIL-MOD: MIL-MOD has also 10 Newsgroups. Soon there will be on MIL-MOD a big historical article about the Mace/Teracruzer, incl. many photos. I hope you will have a visit. Thanks from Holland, Wim Vink
David Wren wrote on June 22, 2000 at 2:41 am
Guidance Mech at Sembach from June 64 until Oct 66. Was on crew at Grunstadt most of tour. Cochran, Hal Kern, Bob O'hara were crew chiefs. John VanHouten Mech 2. Jim Knapp was a maintenance officer (Lt.). I have seen him here at Peterson AFB, I believe he recently retired here also (O-6). Thanks to J.P. Esposito for letting me in on this site.
Walter L. Perdue wrote on June 18, 2000 at 2:33 pm
Was stationed at Hahn AB from 1960-1964. I was with the 586th unit. I worked at site VI as an AGE Repairman. Would like to hear from fellow workers, please call (843)634-7779. Look forward to hearing from you.
Bill Simpson wrote on June 13, 2000 at 6:30 am
Hahn: Apr60-Jul63 Bitburg: Jan67-Jul69
William F. Rowe Jr. wrote on June 8, 2000 at 11:44 pm
looking to see some familiar names on the list and see them in the not to distant future. i have seen a few after almost 40 years and it warms my heart.
Ken Cooper wrote on June 7, 2000 at 8:56 pm
Hi, Joe, Love the site and the information it contains. Especially love the Editor's Staff. You are doing a good job with this site. Thanks for keeping me informed. Enjoy the reunion! God bless, Ken
Leslie T. Smith wrote on June 7, 2000 at 3:49 pm
I was trained at Lowry AFB and Orlando AFB and served on Taiwan (868thTMS). 1960-1961 My afsc 4333B. I was transfered to Fairchild AFB to be retrained on the Hound Dog but spent the last year of my service as production coordinator for the PMEL supporting service equipment.
Jeff Schiff wrote on May 30, 2000 at 3:05 pm
I'm really glad I found this website. I have enjoyed seeing all the info and hearing about folks I haven't seen for many years. I was an instructor at Lowry, Orlando and the Cape in addition to crew duty at Hahn, Bitburg, and Kadena. The TAC Missile years were the best of my career. To whomever put this site together - Thanks!!
RICHARD A. BEAIRD wrote on May 29, 2000 at 9:24 pm
I was part of 586th at Hahn between 1960 and 1962. Enjoyed surfing in on web sites. Brings back a lot of memories. Keep up good work. Part of first group sent over to assembly and set up TM-76A,picture on cover of Missileer. Would like to hear from anyone there during this time.
James Denman wrote on May 27, 2000 at 12:04 pm
Like to get my e-mail address on the roster,I'm already a member
John C Bon Tempo wrote on May 24, 2000 at 1:15 am
69th Pilotless Bomber Squadron 1953, Patrick ABF. Hahn Air Base. Deployed from PAFB in September 1953 Departed Hahn Sept 1957. Served as Special Weapons Officer. Head of the Munitions Branch at Hahn, initally at Hahn in Butler Building on flight line, then Metro Tango Area when first built. Transferred to the 7382nd Provisional Group, while the 701st Tactical Missile Wing was being activated.Then to the 701st TMW. Served under Maffrey,Zachmann, and then Runyon. Departed for Vandenberg AFB then Camp Cooke.Spent 3 years with the Thor, then Minuteman with the 3901st followed by Headquarters SAC in Minuteman Branch of the Directorate of Maintenance. Air War College,J-4 Logistics of the Joint Staff, MAAG Korea as Senior Liaison Officer to the Korean MND, Joint Staff and Senior Service Colleges. Retire in 1973. Final assignment Andrews Air Force Base,Headquarters Command Military District of Washington, Washington DC
Beryl Ristine wrote on May 21, 2000 at 4:37 am
I was stationed at Sembach from 1961-1965. Was at site 3 (Grunstadt) for 13 months, then the 38TMW at Sembach, until March 1965, was sent to Vandenberg AFB, CA. I retired out of Vandenberg AFB in 1970 & liked this area & weather so well, that I have made Santa Maria, CA my home. Anyone who may remember me are welcome to send an e-mail my way. I plan on being in Dallas, TX in late August 2000 & hope to see a lot of OLD familiar troops there. I'm the guy who sent Joe Perkins those old I.D. pictures of Sembach troops, & he was kind enough to put them on the web. See you all in Dallas - Beryl Ristine
Al Griese wrote on May 15, 2000 at 6:18 pm
Neat site-Was stationed at Gruenstadt as a launch crew member from 1964 untill the Mace was phased out in 1966. Nice to see Bob Bolton, Ski, and Georges name here- Sure brings back some great memories....
Kenneth L Lidderdale wrote on May 13, 2000 at 4:02 am
I was both a launch crew & maint. crew chief.Was in the 887th as launch crew chief.I was glad to find this site is very good.
Jerry 'Mac' McBride wrote on May 10, 2000 at 2:15 pm
What a great site! I have renewed several old acquaintances from 36 years ago. I was at Sembach from May '62 through Dec. '64 ('A' Flight '62-'63; Gruenstadt 'C' Flight 63-64); Mech. I on Lt. Davenport's, Capt. Chuck Cage's, and Capt. Ray Berry's launch crews. I live very close to the location for the reunion in August, so I'll be there. Hope to see many familiar (albeit older) faces. Please, any old buddies who might remember me, send e-mail. I'd love to hear from you.
HERB JONES wrote on May 9, 2000 at 11:53 pm
Charles Martin wrote on May 9, 2000 at 10:41 pm
I signed in earlier, but my e-mail address has changed, and I am too dumb to correct it. I was at Hahn from 64 thru 66, and worked mostly at Site IV as a flight controls mechanic. Hope to hear from old friends, and I really hope to see a lot of you in Dallas.