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1312 entries.
Robert E. Pankow wrote on December 31, 2000 at 2:40 am
Just found this site. I will get back to you latter. Bob
Walter Fenley wrote on December 28, 2000 at 12:41 am
Joe the site looks much better. Wanted to register for Orlando on site but did not see that option. Walt
Richard Moffett wrote on December 23, 2000 at 10:02 pm
Signed in earlier but I would like to find Jim Skelton; Jim Ramsey; Ray Beverly; Dick Cain; Bill Miller; Paul Parkershon and others that I will think of as soon as I click submit on this. If any one knows there whereabouts or remembers me please holler. Still Planning on Orlando. Dick Moffett
Ed Beetle Bailey wrote on December 22, 2000 at 11:02 pm
Looking for old friends. Anyone seen Charlie Story or Walt Gronkowski? I located Lt Dick Guest and Col Zaden Lee and they will join this group. I live in Denver but winter in Florida. See everyone at the next reunion. beetle
Gil Richards wrote on December 21, 2000 at 4:51 pm
Worked on MM1 Teracruzer maintenance at a site(can't remember name)just off the Koblenz rd. Site also had a chow hall there. Just up the road from Site 4 (I think). Some names I worked with, Steele, Parsons, Prior, Thomas, Whitehead, Olsen.
John Sheldon TSGT Ret wrote on December 21, 2000 at 1:52 am
I started in Assy. at Bitburg Than to Launch crew,on Sgt Beason's crew I was a Missile Maint Tech.I put in a Segustion,on the MISSILE Launcher while in Bitburg and got A Award.I Worked on the Titan I Missile 1960 through 1965 at Ellsworth AFB SO. DAkota.Than on Titan II at Vandenberg AFB CALIF. .From 1965 to 1969, Than I was retrained in ACFT. and spent some time in Vietnam .I retired in 1976 from the AF .Now I just retired from Qualex,A Kodak Photo Lab,as A Proto Lead Technition.
Jerre Heaton wrote on December 18, 2000 at 5:38 pm
Wade K Brown wrote on December 18, 2000 at 1:27 am
Went from Elmendorf to Lowry in 8/66 and actually did set training OJT at Bitburg. Worked site 7-2 with Capt. George Hudson, most of the time, as Crew Chief. We probably shut the last bird down in Germany. The order was to shut down at 0:00 and we held our #3 bird on status until 0:06. Left Bitburg for the big birds at Little Rock and retired 12-75 out of the Minuteman program at FE Warren. Found the site by accident. Love it. Sad to see so few of the 71st'ers on it. That was a GREAT outfit. I have been back to Hahn and Bitburg several times and it is enough to make a grown man cry. Both bases are in shambles and the Bitburg sites have trees growing in front of the launch doors. The old 71st building is a hotel and the club across the street is a beer joint.
Dave Jessup wrote on December 16, 2000 at 10:50 pm
Thank you for this wonderful site that allows forgotten memories to be restored. Most of my career with these missiles were in Quality Control and I met some lifelong friends. Hello to all my co- workings of the past and hope that we will be able to see each other in Orlando in the coming year.
James A Geary wrote on December 16, 2000 at 7:50 pm
587th TMG/822nd TMS 1958-1959 587thMissileMaintron1959-1962 Orlando AFB 4504th MslTNGWG TAC 1962-1966 Bitburg AFB 71st TMS. 587th Msl Maint SQ 1966-1969 Retired MSG 01 AUG 1969 I had the task of pickling,cocooning and crating All the missiles for shippment to Egland AFB for the Drone program. I have pictures of the birds being readied for this trip.Also of the team members at that time if any one interested. My grand son put me onto this site. Its Super. Reguards James A Geary MSG USAF Ret.
Ken Corl wrote on December 16, 2000 at 1:26 pm
I was stationed at Sembach 'A' Flight as Mech #1 for most of the time. Our crew chief's were Sgt Sanchez and Sgt Reiley (Capt Mon was our OIC). I have many 'interesting' memories I would like to talk to old friends about(Sonny?, Poodle? Stoney?). I also have many pictures that I will share as I get them scanned. I'm looking forward to the Orlando reunion. I hope there is a large turnout.
Joe Batten wrote on December 16, 2000 at 3:50 am
Mace School at Lorwy AFB, then to Orlando for advanced training, then to Holloman for 3 years, and then to Germany - Sembach for 3 years and then to Vandenberg to launch big birds. Back to Holloman to the High Speed Test Track (Rocket Sleds) for 3 years and then to Minuteman (SAC)at Malmstrom AFB, next to Fairchild AFB, 47th Air Div, and thats where I retired.
Dean Twidwell wrote on December 16, 2000 at 1:26 am
bill wasbet wrote on December 14, 2000 at 7:13 pm
Jimmie M Goudeau wrote on December 14, 2000 at 6:52 pm
Going thru the rosters, there seems to be very few names from the 310th TMS in Korea and the the squadron in Taiwan. Until I received Decembers issue of the 'Voice', I didnt know about this organization. How do we spread the word?
Hank Barlow wrote on December 14, 2000 at 1:00 pm
Have lots of fond memories of Site III Grunstadt. Have lots of pictures of the phase out in Sept. 66. Will bring them to Orlando in October.
Ed Beetle Bailey wrote on December 14, 2000 at 12:45 am
Arrived at Sembach Apr 60. A-site, Group standboard, build training site at Sembach and Hahn out of old Matadors. Lots of photos of construction of training sites at Sembach and Hahn. Is Jack Conniff the Martin Rep still around?
Robert A Bailey wrote on December 12, 2000 at 10:51 pm
Test Equip Maint (TEMS) the entire time. I`ve had e-mail address change since first registering.
Robert W Valenti wrote on December 10, 2000 at 10:41 pm
Art Heisler wrote on December 1, 2000 at 1:11 pm
Have many slides and pictures of Mace at Orlando and Holliman, will be looking forward to the get together in 2001. Am two blocks from former Orlando AFB. Buy the time of reuion, all buildings on base will be gone.
Eugene J.Hogan wrote on November 27, 2000 at 2:44 pm
Jim Mustaine wrote on November 25, 2000 at 8:10 pm
Then continued ob to Atlas, Titan and Saturn V, launch teram for moon landing shot
williams, willis wrote on November 25, 2000 at 3:07 pm
keep up the good work!
Clint Everett wrote on November 25, 2000 at 4:51 am
Mech.1 (Guidance System). Crew Chief was Lee Kyser (who conspired with Beryl Ristine on the Wanted Posters on this page. Nuke Weapons guy was Joe Razidlo. Launch Officer was Major Finky. I'd love to hear from anyone who shared the TAC missile experience. My life is good. Still on my first wife and the kids both turned out well.
Jay D. Lowery wrote on November 24, 2000 at 8:57 pm
#1 Mechanic , electronics. Crew chief was John wellbeloved. Some of my best friends were, Chuck Margeson. Frank Maher, Perkster, My whole crew, most of the names I can't remember, Served on all 3 sites. Remember Capt Duffy, Lt Joe Womble, What was that black Capt name?