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1312 entries.
Roy Edward Savage wrote on March 11, 2001 at 8:09 pm
One of my mosty fullfilling assignments during my Air Force career. I believe that our presence at that time contributed greatly to the keeping of world peace.
Denton L. Arthurs wrote on March 9, 2001 at 5:47 pm
Never assigned to Matador unit, Went directly to Titan I, 451th MIMS Lowry AFB Colorado.
Jerry Lynn wrote on March 9, 2001 at 3:29 am
Site VI Launch crew tech 1 with Lt. Jack Coleman, John Palko & Lee Pritchett. Also, Lt. Kenimer, Msgt Fred Miller. Friends, Ray Pillitteri, Roger Morgan, Wayne Lomas, John Marney, Chuck Doer (1st Sgt). 405th TMS. See several names on the list here in MT. Ham Radio op: WB7WBW Neat Site!
Chuck Winners wrote on March 7, 2001 at 8:11 pm
Hi to all old 'pilotless bomber troops! Cross-trained from aircraft maintenance when they took the 'fans' off the front of the engines in '63- '64. Took basic missile training at Lowery and Combat Crew training at Orlando and shipped to Kadena as Combat Crew Chief on Capt. Matthews' crew, Lightning Eleven, at Site 2. Went to Site 1, Crew 3, Thunderin' Third, when Capt. Matthews was made Site 1 Site Commander. Mech 1 was Bill Stone, Mech 2, Clyde Williams, Mech 3, Oly Olsen, Mech 4, P.D. Brown, and Mech 5, Clyde Robinson. After my tour, rotated to Malmstrom as a Missile Maintenance team chief, 66-67. Recalled to Mace in 67 and went through maintenance training at Lowery and was assigned to GEMS and then to Quick React Maintenance till close-out. Closed out career at F.E. Warren as EMT team chief, Maint Supervisor, Quality Assurance, Tech Engineering, First Sergeant and Air Division Senior Enlisted Advisor (Command Chief now). Retired in 81 and worked Aerospace engineering for GTE and Martin Marierra (now Lockheed Martin) until retiring fully in 97. Keep in touch chuck
Richard (Dick) Padgett wrote on March 7, 2001 at 1:57 am
Orlando in Missile Maint. from March 1956 thru 1959 Patrick 1959-1960 R@D of the TM76A Kadena 1960-1965
James Smith wrote on March 6, 2001 at 2:45 pm
Jim is a friend of my , He does not have an Computor. I am submitting this information for him. Jim was an instuctor at Orlando in 1958 whin I went to school. He was in missiles from the start, worked both Tm61c and T76 A&B. He lives at 337 West Seminole Ave. Eustis Fla, 32726- 6219. Add him to mail list and roster Bob Latshaw, I will except e-mails for Jim
Marvin Schroeder wrote on March 5, 2001 at 2:32 pm
This is a great web site. It is a lot of fun already & I'm just getting started.I have contacted Zito,Wiese,Renniger,Moffett & Joe. If any remember me,please Write. We are planning to go to Orlando in Oct. Hope to see you there. Marv
Tim Brady wrote on March 3, 2001 at 3:24 am
Was on a crew with Lt Clark, Sgt Bob Johnson, Amn Frank Godwin
Ray Dahlmann wrote on March 2, 2001 at 2:31 am
Ed.C.Weyn M/Sgt.USAF Ret. wrote on February 26, 2001 at 11:37 pm
Why does nobody mention the 17th TMS,My first two years in the A.F was with the 17th,the rest of the time was with the 868th and the 588th.I spent a lot of time out at Makung as the vehicle mechanic.I think our group was the first to Makung as we took all the equipment out there in a Navy LST,my boss was Sgt Pedersen.I can still remember the scent of the hostel where we lived and the Chinese wanting us to pay cash for the gasoline that was given to them by Uncle Sam.Does anybody remember Jack Ice?
Willis H & Florence L Barickman wrote on February 19, 2001 at 6:10 pm
Walter Fenley wrote on February 19, 2001 at 4:57 pm
Joe made a note of the reservation number for the October meeting, will make reserevations soon. Looking forward to the meeting. Walt
Gene Henderson wrote on February 15, 2001 at 11:22 pm
Signed in once before but my e-mail address has changed to
Jerry FRYE wrote on February 14, 2001 at 3:36 am
Just learned of this site from Leon Slusher (Hahn). Enjoyed reading the Guest Book e-mail. Hopefully some old buddies will see mine. Along with Leon, I have contacted Ron Davis (operations) and Ron Brown (MM1 maintenance). Looking for Frank Martinez, Norman Dwyer, Carl Messer, Bob McMann (sp), Joe Ellis. Remember Dubois? Hello to Steve Glazer and 'Butch' Vink (sounds like he's in ADAM). I'm thinking about Orlando in October.
Ronald L Brown wrote on February 14, 2001 at 3:34 am
Robert J. Perkins wrote on February 12, 2001 at 9:16 pm
Hi, Nice to see so many names that I can't put a face to after all these years. I remember you guys. I was a mech 1 on the 'A' bird stationed at Sembach 1963-1965. Some names I remember from our crew were SSgt Stephenson, TSgt Hal Kearns, my mech 2 was Fadness mechs 3 and 4 were Reed and Jan Narushof. We had an assortment of armament guys on our crew. I spent the last 6 months there with SMSgt Culpepper directing site maintenance. Did a stint at Malmstrom saw Max Sanches, Blatterman and Lt. Knapp while there. Would like to locate Jan Narushof as we did a lot of fun stuff like ride dirt bikes over there. Loved my time spent at Grunstadt. They used to let us cook our own chow in the morning. Bob
Walter Fenley wrote on February 5, 2001 at 7:28 pm
Joe looks good, will have to see about reservations soon. From the hugh numbers that have visted this page, it does look very popular. Walt
LYMAN LANCE wrote on February 3, 2001 at 7:05 pm
john m bellomo wrote on January 23, 2001 at 2:43 pm
i wasa in 882 mms guidance. I see my ncoic laviolette has passed. Peterson,Euing,Gados,Belowski,Johnson,john are some names I remember.
Bledsoe, Russell E wrote on January 22, 2001 at 1:50 am
This is a very interesting site. I saw a few familiar faces in the Wanted file. I was at Sembach in Missile Maintence from July 1963 to Oct. 1966. Covered all sites, but was at Site 1 as Expediter last. Would like to hear from anyone that remembers my wife, Lois or me. Also, we were in the Square Dance Club. We had many good times traveling the area dancing at other bases.
William S. Russell wrote on January 21, 2001 at 1:18 pm
Keep up the fantastic webpage. We will see you in Orlando in October 2001. Bill
James E. Helm wrote on January 15, 2001 at 1:29 am
I was in the 586th MMS for the duration of my tour in Germany and worked on Site V most of the time. We worked with the PowerPacks, NTCU's,Hydraulic Control Units and 100kw Generators on a regular basis. I had many friends there; some names that come to mind are: FRED PAINE, WALTER L. PERDUE,DENNIS KAMMERMAN, BOB HOSINER,ERNIE O'TOOLE,JOHN LUCAS,BOB VALENTI and ANDREW MURRAY.It would be nice to hear from any of these guys! I had a nickname of ' Duke' at that time. Contact me at
Shane Combs wrote on January 12, 2001 at 12:17 am
I've already signed on, but was wondering if anyone knows anything about Frank Kirkland, Jim Manning, Neil Jindra or Wes Curry? Shane Combs, Guidance Tech Mace
Vic Coley wrote on January 8, 2001 at 1:12 am
I was with the 498th Missile Group from 1961 to 1964. I worked in Maintenance Analysis.
Warren L. Jones MSgt (Ret.) USAF wrote on January 3, 2001 at 8:13 pm
Great web site. Am trying to find the guys who launched bird # 40058 on March 18, 1960 from Cape Canaevral. Also Launch Crew #1 members from the 310th TMS May 1960 - June 1961.