We extend our sincere condolences to Joe Perkins (TAC Missileers Executive Director), whose wife Sarah, passed away on September 15th, 2015.
Joe has asked that the following statement be placed on the website.

September 15, 2015
Today we lost a loyal and hard working missileer (Miss Sarah) who always loved the reunions and looked forward to each one. She liked working the sign-in desk, to meet and greet old friends and new ones, and working with Lois (Butler) who she enjoyed their talking time. Lately she said that she had to get a job and would ask me what was my job and I stated for the last 10 years it was taking care of you, and she would laugh and say who would pay me for that and I replied, 63 years ago I promised the preacher that I would love and take care of you in sickness and health till death do we part. Sweetheart, I have keep my promise I made long ago to the preacher and God.
Your loving husband,
Burial info: Friday, September 18th, Chapel of Jacksonville Memory Gardens, 111 Blanding Blvd., Orange Park, Fl. – Viewing at 10:00 AM, celebration of her life at 11:00 AM.