From: Max Butler <maxandlois05@gmail.com>
Subject: Reunion and TAC Missileers Annual Dues
Date: January 6, 2022
Well everyone its that time again as we are starting a new year which of course means some members dues are due. The membership dues are staying the same of $15.00 annually or 3 years for $30.00 which is the better deal of course as this saves you $15.00. Of course as always this is your choice. Please make your due’s checks out to TAC Missileers Corp.
It would be great to start the new year out with everyone catching up on their due’s if they are delinquent. If your not sure of your status just let me know and I will advise you of your status, (good or bad????). Please make your checks out to TAC Missileers Corp.
I have high hopes that we will be able to have our Nashville reunion this year after being canceled last year because of the COVID mess. The dates will be Sept. 20th thru the 23rd, 2022. Myself and a couple other TAC Missileers officers will be traveling to Nashville in the near future to discuss reunion plans with hotel personnel as well as checking out things to do and see in the Nashville area.
If anyone has ideas of what they would like to do and see while in Nashville, please let us know. Of course at our ages we could just sit around the lounge every night and tell lies, I mean stories of our past exploits of those wonderful bygone years. ???? STAY TUNED. Max