The Veteran’s Day Presentation at Cape Canaveral will take place at 7:00PM on Thursday, November 11, 2021. Please contact Max Butler <maxandlois05@gmail.com> / phone: (812) 307-0187 with any questions that may arise.
From: Max Butler
Subject: Re: Veterans Day Presentation
Date: October 19, 2021
To: Russ Reston
Hello Russ,
Please advise everyone that the Cape Canaveral Veterans Day Celebration is scheduled for 7:00 pm on Veterans day at the Cape Canaveral History Center. Come early and mingle with your fellow veterans before the program begins.
On Tue, Oct 19, 2021 Max Butler wrote:
Hello Jim,
Good to hear from you again. At this time I have 17 TAC Missileers members that have expressed an interest of attending the veterans day celebration. A couple of them have expressed an interest in possibly incorporating a Cape tour along with the “get-together”. I don’t think this could be achieved at this late date with having to get everyones names and having to go thru security. Maybe we could schedule a later date around the 1st or middle part of December or even sometime in January. The last tour we did went over great. A lot of people around here still talk about how they enjoyed the tour and have expressed an interest of possibly doing another tour. We will have a lot of “snowbirds” coming back very soon that will be wanting to venture over to the Cape. I plan on being over there for the Veterans Day celebration. Probably will get over there about noon.
On Wed, Oct 13, 2021 Jim Hale wrote:
Max… The presentation has been set for 7PM on 11 November. I know that may be a difficult time for some of your guys to make it over here, but any and all are still welcome. The director is beginning advertisement for the event in local media and social media. I still plan to give the Winged Missiles briefing.