Update; 10/1/2022 – Since originally posting George Mindling’s request, he received a response from Mike Fedrick (71st TMS – 1959/62). See this link: Ludwig and the Donkey
George Mindling is looking for information about 71st TMS Mascot (MAHL-ISH). If you can help, please contact George at kayakpaddler2010@yahoo.com.
From: George Mindling
Date: September 25, 2022
Subject: Need info on 71st TMS Mascot (MAHL-ISH)
Sometime in the late 1950’s, the 71st TMS at Bitburg inherited a donkey, complete with a custom made blanket, from Bill Bailey, a Martin Co Tech Rep, while the squadron was on an AMLO at Wheelus in Libya. The donkey was named MAHL-ISH, Arabic for Mox Nix, and 2nd Lt Sherman Uchill was assigned as his custodian at the time. I recently met the family who cared for the animal and heard some interesting stories about the times. If anyone has info on the donkey, Bailey, or Lt Uchill, please contact me at kayakpaddler2010@yahoo.com. Thanks, George Mindling