2009 Business Meeting Minutes

TAC Missileers Business Meeting
Dayton, Ohio
July 16, 2009

Submitted by Larry Emerson

TAC Missileers Reunion
Dayton, Ohio, July 16, 2009
1630 Hrs

The business meeting was called to order by President Julian Esposito at 1630 hours with 100+ in attendance. Julian thanked Max and Lois Butler for all the work they put into making this a fantastic reunion.

Larry Emerson, Secretary, read the minutes of the Tucson 2007 reunion which were accepted as read.

Max Butler, Membership Director/Treasurer, announced a buffet would be served this evening by the hotel. He went on to say that dues need to be in when due. Postage and printing costs are up and the dues are needed to pay these costs. Someone asked about electronic newsletters but there has been no response in the past. Some members don’t have internet but changing to electronic for the majority of our members would greatly reduce the newsletter costs. Please notify Bob Bolton if you would accept email newsletter.

Joe Perkins, Executive Director, talked about updating our web page and has a person helping with it. Newsletter would be included on the web page and could be downloaded.

Max Butler gave a finance report. A copy of the report is attached. Current balance before paying for banquet, happy hour and breakfast is $34,191.14. Treasurer’s report accepted as read.

A member of the audience asked about setting up life memberships. Bob Bolton recommended keeping current rates to insure a cash flow.

Lois Butler stated that members MUST have a ticket for the bus to the air show on Saturday. She reiterated that members MUST show their ticket to get on the bus.

There is a registration book at the registration table for names, addresses, phones and email addresses.

Joe Perkins stated that dress code for the banquet to be held at the Wright Patterson AFB Officer’s Club is semi formal (coat and tie.) He also stated that if anyone wants to make donations toward the General Vetter memorabilia that we donated to the National Museum of the United States Air Force they could give to Max. Any money left over would go to the general fund.

Julian Esposito called for new business. Election of officers. Two positions are open due to Julian, President and Larry Emerson, Secretary, retiring. Julian gave a short speech and thanked everybody for allowing him to serve for the past eight years. Larry gave a short description of the secretary job and thanked everybody for allowing him to be secretary for the past six years. There were three nominations from the floor for President. Bill Simpson, Bob Kutulis and George Mindling. George declined and nominations closed. Bill Simpson received 61 votes and Bob received 26 votes. Bill Simpson is new President. For the position of Secretary Kenneth Roth asked if the board would accept volunteer for the position. His name was put into nomination. Bob Bolton nominated Russ Reston and gave a short resume of Russ’s qualifications. Vote was overwhelming for Russ Reston, our new Secretary. The remaining board members were voted in by acclimation. Max personally thanked Russ for all the effort he has put in to updating the web page. Russ also designed and printed the name badges we received for this reunion and was instrumental in contacting numerous missileers pertaining to this reunion. Max went on to personally thank Lois Butler for her hard work to thank Julian for his work in obtaining the busses.

Next new business was to select a site for the next TAC Missileer Reunion. Three sites were nominated, San Diego, CA, Branson, MO, and Washington D.C. San Diego received an overwhelming number of votes and will be the site of our next reunion.

Frank Roales, representing the Indiana Military Museum, spoke briefly seeking donations of military artifacts to the museum.

George Mindling thanked all those that helped he and Bob Bolton in the production of their book “The U.S. Air Force Tactical Missiles, 1949-1969, The Pioneers

Joe talked about having some original paperwork, orders, tech data, etc. on display along with The Mace and Matador missiles in the National Museum.

A member of the audience asked about notifying members of their dues on the web site. The answer was that the dues could be listed on the web site if the members voted on it. Motion and second and passed unanimously.

There being no other business the meeting was adjourned at 1721 Hrs.

Respectfully submitted,

Larry Emerson, outgoing Secretary