The dedication ceremony will take place at the Indiana Military Museum, Vincennes, Indiana. All TAC Missileers are invited to attend. If you plan to attend, please let us know.

From: Jerry Brenner []
Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2012
To: Russ Reston
Subject: Final plans for Miss L dedication, October 13, 2012
Russ, can you please get this out to all the Tacmissileers. Thanks
We have been working on the dedication of Miss L on October 13, 2012. We are going to open with the National Anthem, brief history of how we acquired the missile, reading of the list of those involved in the acquisition of the missile, transporting of the missile from FL to IN, and a brief history of the restoration of the missile, including the fitting of the missile in it’s display cradle, along with the final installation and putting on the decals. Along with that, we are planning on reading the deceased members of the TAC Missileers and members of the Association of Air Force Missileers, followed by the playing of TAPS. After the dedication, there will be refreshments and you are free to tour the new museum. We hope that members of the Tacmissileers join us that day to celebrate the displaying of the missile, especially those living in Indiana, Illinois, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennesee, and any other states close by, along with everyone around the country. If you are planning on attending, please send a message to myself (, Frank Roales (, or Max Butler ( Looking forward to seeing fellow missileers and some of those that were involved with this project.
As a side note, there will be a dedication of the Indiana Military Museum that is going to co-inside with our dedication. So, this will be a special day.
Jerry Brenner-Tech 5
Nuclear Weapons Technician
Bitburg AFB, Germany
Rocket Jockey