The Four Wheel (FWD) Museum in Clintonville, Wisconsin is interested in finding a Mace missile to add to their exhibits. If you know of a Mace missile that might be available, please contact Terry Lorge.
From: Terry Lorge <>
Date: Mon, Dec 18, 2017 at 10:57 AM
Subject: Mace Missile history
To: Max Butler
I am a retired Chief of Police in Northeast Wisconsin and I volunteer with the recently created FWD Museum in Clintonville, Wisconsin. FWD has a great history and invented the first four wheel drive vehicles in the world. Besides being a huge manufacturer of fire trucks in the world, the FWD corporation also built many military use vehicles, including the USAF Terracruzer. We acquired a running 1957 Terracruzer for our museum and would very much like to find out if there is any chance of obtaining a decommissioned or inert Mace Missile from the Air Force to place in our museum next to the Terracruzer. I know this is a stretch asking such a question and I may get the military police knocking on my door asking why I’m trying to obtain a Missile, but I think this would be a wonderful addition to our museum. I found information about your group on the internet during my search and thought who better to ask about where to go and who to contact with such a request.
If you have any thoughts on the possibility of obtaining such a piece and where to look, I would appreciate hearing from you or anyone in your group.
Thank you for your time and have a Merry Christmas!
Terry Lorge
Chief of Police – Retired
Clintonville, WI, 54929
This short video shows the Terracruzer being moved for the first time in years under its own power!