Hi TAC Missileers…The Farewell Reunion is rapidly approaching. It is now just a little over two months away.

We’re looking forward to seeing everyone at the Farewell Reunion (May 16th, 17th & 18th). It will be a great to renew old friendships and possibly make some new ones.
Based on a few cancellations, a small number of rooms have become available again at the TAC Missileers rate ($169 / night +tax). If you haven’t already made your hotel reservations, NOW is the time to do so. See this link for more info – https://tacmissileers.org/the-2023-farewell-reunion-is-a-go/
If you will be attending the reunion and have not already done so, please mail your Registration Form to Max Butler as soon as possible. We are trying to finalize arrangements with the various vendors and need to know how many attendees to expect.
Let Russ know ASAP if you will require a vegetarian (or vegan) meal at Rio Cibolo Ranch on May 18th.
Please note:
- There currently is no airport shuttle service offered at the San Antonio Airport. Taxi service, Lyft and Uber are available. Taxi service from the airport to the hotel is approximately $30 to $35. Lyft and Uber are approximately $25 to $30. It is an 8 to 10 minute ride.
- Like all San Antonio downtown hotels, Embassy Suites parking is expensive – It’s valet only; $39 / night (includes in / out privileges). See this link for possible alternative parking – https://parking.com/san-antonio/destinations/river-walk-riverwalk?start=2023-02-27T12%3A30&stop=2023-02-27T14%3A30&lot_id=&showListOnly=0&view=daily&sw&ne&facility&valet&general=&displayFullCity=0
We’ll see you in San Antonio!