To the TAC Missileers Membership:
Due to the very low interest regarding the 2022 Nashville reunion, the TAC Missileers Officers regretfully deemed it necessary to cancel the reunion. As we are all getting older some of us are beginning to have health issues, including yours truly. Of course these issues impact our ability to be able to travel.
I have a proposal to put forward to the TAC Missileers membership. I propose that we plan a 2023 reunion and call it the TAC Missileers 2023 “Farewell” reunion. It would be our last reunion hence the Farewell term. I think its time to “hang it up” and try to get as many together with one last “hurrah”.
I propose having the reunion in San Antonio where most of us began our Air Force life. We had I think the 2013 reunion in San Antonio and it was a great reunion. The Riverwalk area was beautiful with our hotel back door opening adjacent to a riverwalk canal where you could walk out the door and step onto a canal boat.
I especially liked the Friday night banquet being held at the open air club out in the country. The Country Western band was great especially the singer, which of course was me. I guess I did okay as I didn’t get any boos or anything thrown at me. It was a night I’ll always remember.
I’m thinking of contacting someone on Lackland AFB and asking if we could possibly have our Friday night banquet on base. I think it would be sort of fitting to end our Air Force experience where we started it many years ago. Stay Tuned !!
All TAC Missileers – Please complete the “Farewell Reunion” Survey located here –> https://tacmissileers.org/2023-farewell-reunion-survey/
Thanks, Russ
the best Breakfast Bar weaved had and our farewell to Jim Harvey is a lasting memory.
my wife and I will be there.
Great Idea Max, Thanks for everything What a ride.
Great idea, health is definitely a problem for a lot of guys. Lord willing my wife and I will be there. That hotel we had on the river was great, thank you very much, hope we can have a fair attendance.
Sounds good. And it would be about halfway between east and west
Not too far for anyone.
Russ we had to do tge same thing with our 45th Infentry division age catches up with you and you just cant travel any moor sorry but its a fact, we will always remember the 822nd tac misl unit. from 1959-1962.
I think this is a great idea. Count me in.
That is a good idea. Just remember how hot it can be in the summer months in San Antonio. Since I am in the Houston area, it would work for me without much trouble.
Sounds like a winner to Jan and I.
We began our missile career in Orlando..!
What a great send-off this would be, going back to our roots of starting in the Air Force
Excellent! Count me in.
I like San Antonio. Great idea!
I think it would be a great idea, if I’m able I will be there
Hang tough Max,..it is with sorrow i am unable to attend the proposed 2023 farewell festivity’s . age , health , and distance ..[ transportation ] make it undo able ?
Good luck to ALL ! .
Sounds like a great idea Max. San Antonio is indeed where I started my Air Force career in late Feb. 1963.
I am in favor, go for it.
Sounds like a good idea, Max. It would be nice if the arrangements you recall from the earlier reunion in San Antonio could be replicated.
I like it! Max, let s do it!!
We enjoyed the last San Antonio reunion so much that we can’t pass it up.
I second this idea. I think San Antonio was one of our best
Hi Max count me in!!
Think I’ve got one trip left in me. ‘GO’ here for a “Farewell” Reunion. Getting Lackland would be great if you can do it. As an aside, wondering if some sort of interactive, e.g., Skype, etc., might be included to bring in members that are unable or unwilling to travel to the reunion? Perhaps a farewell beer stein for the event? Best Regards. A. Hauswald, Mace B, Lowry AFB, 1961-1965.
Sounds great.
Sounds good to me
With great sadness I hate to see these stop but since I haven’t helped in the past, I understand how difficult it is for many to travel and the expenses go up every year. San Antonio is probably my least desired location but I will commit to wherever and whenever a place and time is picked, I will make plans to be there. Thank you for your hard work over the years. Count me in!
Sounds like a wonderful plan.
Yes, a great idea Max, I was going to Nashville, I’ll be there for San Antonio too.
That sounds like a great idea to me, San Antonio is easy to fly into and some years back before I retired I stayed in a hotel on the Riverwalk and it was nice and convenient. I would love to tour Lackland and I think it would be fitting to end it there.
While I did not participate in gatherings, I’ve always enjoyed this web site and the TAC Missileers, I’m sad to see it go. I was assigned to the 585th Support Squadron in September, 1957 as a lowly E2 and left as lowly E3 (promotions were rare as too many WWII and Korea guys were hanging around for retirement). I met a bunch of great guys and officers, most of whom probably are no longer alive.
Thanks for the memories!
Bob Shuping
That would be fantastic……also looking forward to it!
It is a terrific idea. You can not beat the river walk area.
Great idea, I’m looking forward to it!