If you are planning to attend the 2019 TAC Missileers Reunion in Newport News, VA (Sept. 10th through 13th), please make your hotel reservations and submit your registration form at your earliest convenience (e.g., today ????). This will be a big help to Max. Thanks, your cooperation is appreciated!

From: Max Butler
Subject: Hotel Reservations – 2019 Reunion
Date: June 3, 2019
To: Russ Reston
I need to put out a “heads-up” regarding hotel room reservations. At this point we have 37 rooms reserved of the 65 we have contracted for. I have a total of 40 registration forms sent in to me. Of this 40, 12 have not made their hotel reservation.
Also another 17 have indicated they are coming to the reunion but as yet have not sent their registration form in or made a hotel reservation. We will need to possibly add some rooms if everyone attends the reunion that have indicated they are. Just want to give everyone a heads up.
The Reunion hotel is the Newport News Marriott at City Center – (866) 329-1758
- Request the TAC Missileers Reunion rate when making your reservations ($136 / night plus tax).
- Self parking is free. Valet parking is $12 /night.
2019 Registration Form (Please download the form, complete it and mail it along with your payment to Max Butler as soon as possible but no later than August 1st, 2019.)