From: Max Butler <maxandlois05@gmail.com>
Subject: Bus trip to U.S. Space & Rocket Center
Date: March 25, 2022
To: TAC Missileers
Hello y’all. Sure hope to see a great turnout for the Nashville reunion. Its been a spell since we came together in Newport News, Va. I for one am looking forward to seeing everyone again. Although it’s a bit of a bus ride over to the U.S. Space & Rocket Center in Huntsville, it will be worth it. After all we all will be among a select group of former Missilemen that helped to maintain the peace in the world for many years. We all should be very proud of this. And of course we will be among great friends, some that we have not seen for a spell and may not see ever again as we aren’t getting any younger. So come climb aboard the bus and venture over to the U.S. Space & Rocket Center in Huntsville, AL. Hope to see y’all there.