October 8, 2018
Due to lack of interest, this tentative tour has been canceled.
Possible Cape Canaveral Tour on Oct. 24th. If you are interested in participating, please contact Max Butler as soon as possible.

September 21, 2018
Jim Hale has advised me that there are some “new” exhibits that we have not seen and that were not available when we did the mini tour in 2014. Also our “beloved” restored Matador and Mace missiles have been moved from the hanger they were in when we visited in 2014 and now are in a hanger along with other restored military relics from our era. I don’t want to divulge what these relic’s are at this point so as to “peak” everyone’s interest.
I need everyone that is interested in this tour to let me know “ASAP” as we will need to go thru the same security process that we did in 2014 and this will take me a few days to compile all the needed info to send to Cape security.
I need to know if everyone would like to meet at a hotel in the area for a 1 night “get together” on the 23rd of Oct. and then have the bus pick us up on the morning of the 24th to make the tour as we did in 2014. Stay tuned.
Max Butler
41 Royal Dr.
Eustis, FL 32726
(812) 307-0187