If you have any info about Kenneth Vivenzio or (first name unknown) Marcoullier, please contact Ron Giangiacomo.

From: Max Butler
Subject: Fwd: TAC Missileers
Date: January 12, 2019
To: Ron Giangiacomo
cc: Russ Reston
Hi Ron, I don’t have any record of either one of these but I have forwarded your inquiry to Russ Reston. He will put it on our web-site and hopefully someone will have some info regarding these 2 individuals or even the individuals themselves might contact you. Max
———- Forwarded message ———
From: Ron Giangiacomo <roncomo2@outlook.com>
Date: Sat, Jan 12, 2019
Subject: Re: TAC Missileers
To: Max Butler
Hi Max:
Two “Missileers” I would like any info on are: Kenneth Vivenzio, and a guy named “Marcoullier”. Any info would be appreciated.